Why That 5 Star Review is More Important Than You Think

Shelby McDaniel
3 min readOct 9, 2020

Picture this: you’re in a new town and looking for a place to eat dinner. There are two pizza places right next to one another (stick with me here), and you want to know which one the locals prefer. After all, no one wants to eat bad pepperoni pizza. So what do you do?

You look at reviews.

There are hundreds of review platforms on the internet. Google, Facebook, Yelp, and TrustPilot are just a few places potential consumers go to determine which stores they will visit.

According to Statista, there are 313 million internet users in the United States and 274 million mobile internet users. Each and every one of those users is also a consumer and a valuable marketing tool.

In a previous Hemp Bitch article, we discussed how Millennials are changing the marketing landscape. Reviews are part of that landscape.

According to GatherUp, a customer experience and online review engine, “ Gen Z and Millennials are 99% more likely to rely on social media and online reviews than are Gen X and Boomers when choosing a restaurant”.

Think about it, would you eat at a restaurant where there were numerous reviews about food poisoning? Or shop at a store where there were multiple reviews of credit card theft? These reviews can have a negative…



Shelby McDaniel

Cannabis industry veteran | Coffee lover | Owner of The Hemp Bitch blog.